5 Keys of Business Success
Starting a new business can be exciting but a little scary. That's why Our Success Group is committed to providing resources that empower business owners to achieve their idea of success. These 5 keys are programs to speed you along and help you through the rough patches with a good foundation. You’ve hung out your sign (in some cases virtually) and opened your business. Now what? You see businesses growing and flourishing and you want that for your business too. We can help you get there.
5 Keys of Business Success
Growing and Launching Training System
This experience includes over 5 hours of training videos, with 25 specific detailed modules. There are 5 distinct keys with 26 homework assignments to help you take action and put this training to work in your business. You will gain confidence to grow and launch your business with guardrails to steer you away from catastrophe. All this with email support with less than 24 hour response times from a certified Success Principles Coach.
100% Money Back Guarantee. As long as you can show us you did the work (turned in all of the homework) and are still not satisfied, we will give you 100% of your money back up to 12 months after purchase.
Keys to Launching or Growing Your Business
These 5 topics will give you the basics that you need to succeed and propel your business forward. The foundation that all succcessful businesses rely on!
Determining Your Overhead
You have to know what you are spending to be able to set your goals for success. What does it cost to be in business each day, and how can you pay yourself and plan for the future.
Pricing Products for Profit
With your overhead in hand you have a great start, but then how do you figure your true costs and price your products for profit?
Workflow and Organization
The jobs are now in and you need to make some happy customers. How do you do that in an efficient and profitable manner that is repeatable?
Delivery and Follow-up
The job is done and paid, so now what. Just throw it in a box and say "here"? No way, learn about upselling, and providing a great customer experience.
Marketing Overview
So you got a few orders from family and friends, but now you really want some business. What is your marketing strategy to attract new customers? Learn the basics and get an overview of what marketing is all about.
You both have been such a great help. I have been in such a spot not knowing where to go with my business. You have given such great info to help get my drive back. I hope I can stay on track and look forward to putting all this info to work. :-)
The 5 Success Keys training has been invaluable to me. I have taken other business classes, but learning from those experienced in the same type of business that I'm in has been amazing.
::: Coming Soon :::
This training experience is being built for you as we speak. This will be available sometime in 2022.
Keys to Planning for Business Success
These 5 keys will give you the foundation to make better decisions and a framework to build the business you want to reach your idea of success.
Determining Your Why
Your connection point for your potential customers, your tool to find the right staff and your reason to press ahead.
Connecting the People
People are the most important part of any business. Clearly defining them and connecting them to the business is of massive importance.
Goals, Objectives and Milestones
You have to set your aim and make it clear. You must get clear on your goals, visualize the goal, set the objectives you need to meet and figure out the milestones, letting you know you're on track.
If you are ready for more and can't wait until 2022, look at becoming a member. 5 Keys are included with all memberships, and for only $99 per month, you can access all our past training, live upcoming training and a private members' group to push your business to success.
Marketing Planning
People want to jump right into posting on social and sending emails. First, you need to focus in on the customers you need for success. Get your brand and personality clear before you dive in.
Forecasting and Budgets
Forecasts and budgets are not just for bean counters. They are a measuring stick and tool you will use to keep you on track.
* Stay tuned for this 5 Keys experience in 2022. If you would like to get on the list for details when they are available, please fill in your information below and you will also get free resources. *
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